Symptoms of Cow Milk Sensitivity

Tummy troubles, rashes, and chronic congestion can all be caused by cow milk sensitivity. Here’s how to spot it, and how this common problem differs from cow milk allergy.
The terms “cow milk protein allergy” and “cow milk sensitivity” are often used interchangeably, though the prevalence and intensity of symptoms associated with each may be different.
Cow milk protein allergy (CMPA) affects 2-3% of children under one year while the prevalence of cow milk sensitivity is less defined in research. Clinical and parental observation suggests that many young children may have at least one symptom related to cow milk consumption.
Cow Milk Protein Allergy
Confirmed cow milk protein allergy (CMPA) can be a severe health problem. Children with ‘obvious’ CMPA will have an immediate reaction to cow milk that happens within hours of ingestion; for others, symptoms may delay. Symptoms will most commonly be moderate to severe in intensity and may include:
- Swelling around the mouth
- Difficulty swallowing
- Vomiting and regurgitation
- Diarrhea
- Blood in the stool
- Food refusal
- Failure to thrive
- Colic
- Severe eczema, rashes or hives
- In rare cases, anaphylactic shock
Cow Milk Sensitivity
Cow milk sensitivity may encompass the delayed, mild to moderate symptoms associated with the consumption of cow milk.
Digestive symptoms may include:
- Bloating
- Gas
- Abdominal pain
- Colic
- Loose stools
- Constipation
Signs in the lungs and skin may consist of:
- Non-illness related chronic runny nose
- Non-illness related chronic cough
- Non-illness related chronic congestion
- Recurring ear infection
- Eczema
- Rashes
The Difference Between Cow Milk Sensitivity & Allergy
It can be difficult to tell the difference between allergy and sensitivity because symptoms may be similar. Many healthcare providers rely on the intensity of symptoms, serum (blood) IgE testing, and skin prick testing to guide their diagnosis. The gold standard diagnostic method for cow milk protein allergy is the ‘Oral Challenge Test’ involving the complete avoidance of cow milk, followed by a medically supervised reintroduction and monitoring of symptoms.
It’s important to know that goat milk-based foods, including baby formula, are not suitable for children with cow milk protein allergy (as they might also react to the protein in goat milk). Goat milk-based formula, such as Kabrita Goat Milk Toddler Formula, may be an alternative for little ones with mild symptoms related to cow milk consumption.
Since every child is different, we recommend speaking with your healthcare provider if you are concerned about whether your little one’s symptoms stem from allergy or sensitivity, and to discuss your feeding options.
Kabrita Goat Milk Toddler Formula may be an option for little ones during feeding transitions, such as weaning and supplementing, or those with minor issues associated with cow milk sensitivity*.
*Not suitable for children with confirmed cow milk protein allergy