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Navigating the Holidays With Your Little One

Navigating the holidays with your little one

Coffee with Kabrita is an Instagram Live series where we bring together experts on various topics to provide informed feeding support for parents. We are so happy that many families can gather safely for the holidays this year, but for parents with small children, the change in routine and diet can be stressful. We recently had the pleasure of hosting dietitian Lizzie O’Connor, RD (@mamadietitian), and routine-expert Jessica Irwin (@rootedinroutine) to get their top tips for navigating the holidays with your little ones.

If you missed our Coffee with Kabrita segment on Navigating the Holidays, you can watch a replay below! Or, keep reading to learn our key discussion points throughout the session.

  1. Set expectations with your family ahead of time

    Letting your extended family or friends know the priorities for your own family ahead of time can be helpful in so many different situations. For example, if your baby doesn’t do well with flexible nap schedules, let your family know that you will be leaving the celebration or your baby will be napping at a certain time, so there are no surprises. With food, tell your family to ask you first before giving your child any food. You need to make sure the food is safe or cut properly for your child, but it also gives you a chance to screen any foods you don’t want your child having.

  2. Snacks, snacks, snacks!

    We heard this over and over throughout our conversation. Getting in the car? Bring snacks for when you stop for a break. Going on an airplane? Bring a bento box with small (safe) snacks that take a long time to eat. Going to a holiday party? Bring your child’s favorite healthy foods to gently add to their plate, or to feed them when dinner isn’t ready on time. Think you know how many snacks to bring? Double it. Ideas for snacks include puffs, such as Kabrita’s Snack Puffs with Goat Cheese, cheese sticks, hardboiled eggs, Cheerios, and pouches. Be sure to include sources of protein and fat to keep your little one full for longer.

  3. Use formula in recipes

    With the changes in routine and meals, many children may not get their normal nutrients in. Dietician Lizzie O’Connor says making a few recipes ahead of time using formula in place of milk is a great way to give your child a nutritional boost. Any recipe that calls for milk can be swapped for formula. Kabrita has many delicious and easy recipes using our Goat milk Toddler Formula to boost your child’s nutrient intake!

  4. Take breaks

    With so many celebrations, people and activities throughout the holidays, little ones can easily get overstimulated which can lead to the dreaded meltdown. Know your child and know when they might need to take a break during the celebration. Tell them you need help in another room, ask them to help you look for something, or bring them to another room for a relaxed snack. This will give them a chance to settle away from the noise and activity, and ultimately be ready for more meltdown-free play time.

  5. Don’t overfill your child’s plate!

    The holidays may include new foods that your child isn’t accustomed to. It’s a great time to expose them to new foods, but a full plate can be overwhelming and lead to not eating anything. Provide small portions to start, and if your child doesn’t do well with new foods, choose only one or two to add to their plate in very small amounts. And of course, bring your own healthy favorite snacks and sneak it onto their plate.

Thank you so much to our guests for joining us to discuss this extremely helpful topic. Don’t forget to follow Lizzie (@mamadietitian) and Jessica (@rootedinroutine) for more great tips!