Naturally Easier To Digest

Comparing Curd Quality
Many factors contribute to the quality of milk curd formed by casein proteins in the stomach, like the amount of alphaS1-casein and the size of casein protein micelle formed.
A higher amount of alphaS1-casein protein in cow’s milk, along with smaller casein micelles, is associated with larger, tougher, and firmer curds. Less alphaS1-casein and larger casein micelles, as is seen in goat’s milk, is associated with smaller, softer, and looser curds.1, 2
Digestibility Differences*
Research has demonstrated that goat milk proteins degrade faster than cow milk proteins in both the stomach and small intestine. Furthermore, Goat whey is broken down more quickly than cow whey.3, 4
Furthermore, research has shown the kinetics of protein digestion of Kabrita Goat Milk Infant Formula is comparable to breast milk, while protein digestion delays in cow milk infant formula in comparison.5
Added Benefits of Beta Palmitate
In breast milk, up to 25% of the fat is palmitic acid6, predominantly esterified to the middle (also called sn-2 or beta) position of the triglyceride7. Kabrita Goat Milk Formula uses a fat blend with beta palmitate, modeled after the fats found in breast milk.
A formula containing a fat blend with beta palmitate has been associated with increased fat and calcium absorption8, 9, 10, as well as whole body mineral content10. Additionally, it has been associated with more frequent improvement of hard stool to soft stool consistency.11
Join Health Professionals From Across the USA
Kabrita Goat Milk Formula offers a new choice in formula feeding – one that harnesses the gentle protein of Goat Milk. Our high quality, European formula is safely adapted for babies. Kabrita Goat Milk Formula may be a solution for sensitive tummies or a gentle first choice for supplementing or weaning. If you would like to receive samples and coupons for your medical practice, please click here.
*Not suitable for children with cow milk protein allergy (CMPA).
1. Park YW. Hypo-allergenic and therapeutic significance of goat milk. Small Rumin. Res. 1994 ;14,151–161.
2. Ceballos LS, et al. Utilization of nitrogen and energy from diets containing protein and fat derived from either goat milk or cow milk. J Dairy Res. 2009;4:497-504.
3. Almaas H, et al. In vitro digestion of bovine and caprine milk by human gastric and duodenal enzymes. Int Dairy J. 2006;16:961–68.
4. Pintado ME, et al. Hydrolysis of ovine, caprine and bovine whey proteins by trypsin and pepsin. Bioprocess Engineering 2000;23:275-282.
5. Maathuis A, et al. Protein Digestion and Quality of Goat and Cow Milk Infant Formula and Human Milk Under Simulated Infant Conditions. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2017 Dec;65(6):661-666.
6. Szabo E, et al. Fatty Acid Profile Comparisons in Human Milk Sampled From the Same Mothers at the Sixth Week and the Sixth Month of Lactation. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr.2010;50(3):316-20
7. Innis SM. Dietary triacylglycerol structure and its role in infant nutrition. Adv Nutr. 2011 May;2(3):275-83.
8. Carnielli VP, et al. Structural position and amount of palmitic acid in infant formulas: effects on fat, fatty acid, and mineral balance. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1996 Dec;23(5):553-60.
9. Lucas A, et al. Randomised controlled trial of a synthetic triglyceride milk formula for preterm infants. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 1997 Nov;77(3):F178-84.
10. Kennedy, k, et al. Double-blind randomized trial of a synthetic triacylglycerol in formula-fed term infants: effects on stool biochemistry, stool characteristics, and bone mineralization. Am J Clin Nutr 1999;70:920-7.
11. Quinlan PT, et al.The relationship between stool hardness and stool composition in breast- and formula-fed infants. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1995 Jan;20(1):81-90.