Dawn Switched to Kabrita for its European Quality

Every parent’s feeding experience is as unique as their baby. While the journey may be easy for some, others may struggle. Real Parent Story is a series on our blog where we ask real parents to share their feeding stories. Whether you’re expecting or already have little one, we hope these stories can offer you insight into what worked (or didn’t work) for parents just like you.
Today, we are sharing Dawn's story!
How did you first hear of Kabrita?
I think the first exposure I had to Kabrita was an Instagram ad, but I continued to come across Kabrita on blogs and Instagram as I researched formula.
Why did your family have a need for goat milk formula?
When Theo was three months old we realized he had a sensitivity to cow’s milk protein, so we switched to a European goat’s milk option, and he did really well on goat’s milk. We loved that formula, but it became hard to purchase in the US, so we decided to try Kabrita.
If related to symptoms being experienced by your child, can you describe them? And also describe how drinking Kabrita may have helped with those?
Theo was spitting up a lot, he was constantly dealing with gas pain, and his eczema was flaring up.
If related to your need to supplement with or switch to formula, please describe why you chose to do so and why Kabrita seemed like a good solution?
Theo was born with a cleft lip and palate; having a cleft palate means that he cannot generate any suction, so he wasn’t able to breastfeed. I tried to bring my milk in by pumping, but after a brutal labor and c-section on top of having a baby who couldn’t suckle, my body didn’t respond. We ended up needing formula, and we wanted to give Theo the highest quality formula we could find. We switched to Kabrita because we wanted to give Theo European-quality formula, but we needed an option that was readily available in the US.
Did the ‘European quality’ element have an influence in your decision to try Kabrita?
Absolutely! We have a high regard for organic living, and our health values led the way when choosing the formula our baby would grow up on.
How did your child take/transition to Kabrita?
So easily—Theo was already on a European goat’s milk formula when we switched to Kabrita, and honestly he didn’t experience any symptoms when we switched.
What is your favourite thing about Kabrita Formula?
Aside from how high the quality is, I really love that it’s available at my local Whole Foods. I never have to worry about running out, because I can go grab an extra canister any day.
Is there anything else you’d like to add or share?
Giving my baby formula was a difficult thing for me to accept at first. I was so indoctrinated by misinformation about formula that the mom-guilt and shame was almost unbearable when formula became our only option. But since those days, I have learned that there are really healthy formula options, and I’ve seen and experienced what a miracle formula is. Theo has never struggled with his weight (many cleft-affected babies do), and he has hit every milestone a month or more in advance. I want to encourage all parents and caregivers that formula is not a failure and there is no shame in it. Breastmilk is amazing, but it’s not always an option. Formula is a remarkable gift for those who need it.
Kabrita USA Real Parent Story Series is for information purposes only. It's not meant to treat, cure, or diagnose any health issues. Before making any feeding changes, it is recommended that you speak with your healthcare professional. Kabrita Goat Milk Toddler Formula is designed to maintain the natural comfort of little ones during feeding transitions, such as weaning, supplementing, or changing formulas due to minor issues associated with cow milk sensitivity*.